martes, 6 de julio de 2010

Entrevista con I (en inglés)

Hace unas semanas se me ocurrió hacerle una entrevista a través de Myspace al único integrante de la banda hindú Cry. Le escribí un mensaje para proponerselo y al cabo de unos días aceptó. Hace algo más de una semana se la mandé y hoy por fin me ha contestado. Disculpen mi pésimo inglés jeje.

Anonymous (me): How long have you been writing music for the band "Cry"?

I: I started writing music for CRY since the July of 2009.

A: Why did you choose the enigmatic nickname of "I"? What is your real name if I may ask?

I: More than a black metal project for me CRY is a diary in which I pen down the agony that I personally go through in the obscure path of life and write music which would reflect it.Hence I have used the alias 'I'.

A: Did you decide to compose depressive music for some depressive experience?

I: As I have mentioned above CRY is a sonic representation of my real life experiences.

A: What genre would put a "Cry"? "Ambient black metal, ambient, depressive black metal, or simply depressive music?

I: Basically I was influenced by depressive black metal but I would simply term it as depressive music.

A: Do you like to give concerts in the future?

I: Maybe.

A: Are you writing for a future album? Will there be any noticeable change in music over the previous two?

I: Yes I am presently working on my full length album which I plan to release by the end of this year and the music will be more experimental with more variety of instruments used adding up to Cry's signature music style.

A: For the recording of your two albums Did you go to a professional studio or home did so?

I: I recorded at home.

A: What song you are more satisfied and you think the best of "Cry"?

I: For me the songs of CRY are fragments of my past and I believe that all great art is made from suffering so I am satisfied with each and every track.But the songs that have been appreciated the most by the listeners of CRY are 'Cry','When silence screamed suicide' and 'Rain'.

A: What bands have inspired you?

I: Xasthur, Silencer, Cradle of filth, Empyrium, Happy Days, Anathema, Evanescence and many more.

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